5 ways to practice self love and be good to yourself

 You are special you are important you are the best and no one can ever know your worth more than you. And knowing your worth and treating yourself the priority is self love. Self love is having a high regard for your own well being and happiness. Self love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well being to please others. Self love means not settling for less than you deserve.

Self love means taking care of yourself like you would want someone else to take care of you. Self love means making yourself the best version of you.

So here are 5 ways to practice self love 

1. Accept yourself and appreciate yourself.

Accept yourself the way you are. Accept all of your flaws, love your flaws afterall these flaws are what makes you you. Appreciate everything that you have. Appreciate yourself.

 For instance you have a scar on your hand and you find it ugly so you are always like my hand is ugly, why this scar is on my hand. This will constantly remind you that you have a scar may be it will also reminds you of the accident because of which you have that scar. It will also lower your confidence you will fear shaking hands with people. Now if you accept that yes once i met with an accident and because of that i have this scar but i am grateful that i only have a scar maybe i might have lost my hand or my life in that accident. This will make you feel happy and grateful about yourself. 

So love all of your scars and accept them if you will accept them only then the world will accept them. If you cant accept your imperfections and your flaws then how can you expect the world will.

2. Do not compare yourself to others.

Comparing yourself to others is the wort thing that you can do to yourself. We all have different stories, different problems and different mindsets and we all deal with things differently. We all work differently at different speeds and in different ways. Then how can we compare ourselves or our life or success stories with others.

Mostly when we compare ourselves with others we often compare their best with our average or lowest. For instance i just started a YouTube channel and i see someone who is doing YouTube from a really long time and i start comparing myself with him and start feeling sad about it but the thing is he is doing it for a really long time so he has more experience he has done more hardwork and my be when i will reach that place i will be much better than him. 

So stop comparing yourself with others and start comparing with yourself and ask yourself daily am i better than yesterday??

3. Let go off what you cant control.

Never try to control that you cannot. And try not to feel bad about things that you cant control. Like you cant control how someone behaves with you so dont feel bad about it. But you definitely can control your reaction towards their behavior so control it. Know the difference between the things that you can control and the things that are not under your control. Like past is not in your hands anymore so dont think about it and move on because even if you sit and think about it all day you can do nothing about it. But the thing that is in your hand is future so control it work on it work hard for it try to make it beautiful and worth living.

4. Don't be a people pleaser.

Stop being a people pleaser. We all want people to like us appreciate us and for that we often become people pleaser which is completely wrong. When we try to please others we do things that we would not do otherwise. We forget who we truly are and we become someone who is not completely us. And in that course somewhere our true identity is lost. We become this new version of ourselves who only finds happiness when people appreciate us. 

So just stop being people pleaser. And the best way to stop being a people pleaser is involve yourself in things that makes you happy. Hangout with people who dont judge you and expect you for who you are.

5. Know when to leave a job, friendship or relationship 

Knowing when to leave something or someone is so important. Never be with someone who dont appreciate you for who you are and try to make you feel bad about yourself. If you are not happy in a relationship if you are not respected or loved in a relationship just leave it and moveon. If you are not happy with a job leave it and find another one. If your friends don't treat you right leave them and find another. This is your life you are the most important person of your life and treat yourself like that. 

Its your life you are the hero in the story of your life so treat you like that and love yourself 


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