How to be happy in 5 simple ways.

 What is happiness??? So basically Happiness is characterized by or an indicative of pleasure or simply joy.  Joy in living joy in doing anything and everything. But do we all are really enjoying this pleasure??

Well i think no. In this world full of so many problems and tensions we all have stopped being happy. We all are all the time focused on problems, failures, toxic relationships, breakups and what not 

But the real question is that  -:  Is it really difficult to be happy?? 

Well the answer is no

So here are 5 simple yet effective ways to be happy 

1.self love 

Self love simply means loving yourself to an extent where opinions of others about you dont matter to you, where you dont get affected by the judgement of others, where you accept yourself your body your imperfections. 
If we accept ourselves the way we are we will experience satisfaction we will not doubt ourselves we will definitely be more happy

2. Staying away from toxic people 

So the first thing that comes in our mind is how would i know someone is toxic for me? 
Well the person who is very sweet on your face and talks bad behind your back is toxic, a person who never appreciates you for anything and tries to always degrade you, who always tries to make fun of you in front of others or laugh at you is toxic for you. Or a toxic person can simply be a person who gives bad vibes to you. 
Staying away from these kind of people is the best that you can do for yourself. 
These people are never your friend and if he or she is your friend they would never do something like this to you.
So the best you can do is eliminate them from your life.


We all have some or the other hobbies. Some people like painting some like playing some may like singing or dancing. Hobby is something that we love doing and it makes us feel happy. 
We should make a point to give some time of the day to our hobby. Doing something that you love apart from your daily routine is definitely going to make you feel happy.

4. Your favorite food

Wants to feel instantly happy have your favorite food. Food is one thing that will cheer up your mood in few seconds. So have your favorite food and feel good.
5. Talking to a friend 
Talking to someone who understands you is the best way to feel good and happy. Whenever you are not feeling good just call a friend and talk to them 
Telling what is going inside you to a friend is the best thing to feel happy.
And if you are not comfortable talking to someone about your problems then just stand in front of mirror and talk to yourself. 

So in the end i just want to say one thing we all have got just one life so why waste it by being sad, tensed, depressed and worried  lets be happy and lets make people around us happy.


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