How to move on in 5 simple ways

 During our lifetime we come across some situations where we feel stuck, drained or sad. These situations may b because of breakup, broken friendship or failure. We all try to move on from those situations and this is what we should do even. After all we are the most important person in the story of our life.

But sometimes what happens is we forget this that what matters the most is our happiness and us. When we get into a relationship all we care is the happiness of our partner and most of the time we forget about our happiness. We do things that make our partner happy sometimes even when we dont want to do those things.

And when relationship or friendship ends we feel stuck and just wants to move on.

So here are 5 simple  and effective ways which will help you to move on easily 

1.Fill your head with positive stuff 

When you are going through a situation that is already making you feel sad its very important to check what you are feeding your brain. During this situation if you will blame yourself or listen to sad songs or read sad quotes you will make yourself more sad and it will be more difficult to move on. So the first thing that you should do is start reading good quotes daily related to life related to mental health and try to follow them. Listen to motivational and inspirational podcasts you can even listen them when you are doing your regular stuff in the morning like brushing having breakfast its always good to start your day with positive thoughts. Read good books. Listen to good music that will automatically lifts up your mood.

2 attach yourself to your life goal

Make your goal your priority. Work hard for it and make yourself busy in achieving what you always wanted to achieve. Start what you have been meaning to start may be its a YouTube channel may be some buisness or may be writing a blog. Just start it and work on it and give all your focus and energy to your work. This will not only help you grow emotionally but also financially.

3. Try to get involved in small things 

Try to involve yourself in small things like watching sunset or sunrise, watching football matches, sitting in your balcony and having tea or just listening to your favorite music or may b giving yourself a treat with something or may be a spa day. This will keep your mind occupied and you will think less about the negative or the sad things. You will stay more happy and when you stay happy you grow beautifully inside and outside.

4. Take care of yourself and love yourself 

Just love yourself take care of yourself like you want your partner to love and take care of you. Take care of your body and mind. Have enough water, have good food, exercise daily, feed your mind with good thoughts. Tell yourself that you are good and no one is better than you. Stand in front of mirror and say things that you want others to say to you. Help yourself grow through this.

5. Be proud of yourself 

Appreciate yourself for being strong in such situation. Be proud of yourself that you are trying to get out of this. Give yourself credit. Say good things to you. Dont say mean things to yourself like i m responsible for this or i was at fault. Just tell yourself it is a phase and it will pass and i will come out of it strong. Tell yourself that you have got this.  And make yourself happy.

In the last i just want to say everything happens for a reason right now you might be feeling why this happened with me but trust me after sometime you will understand why this happened. So just have patience and trust the process.


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